Wednesday, January 25, 2012

There's a New Revolution Taking Over

I've forever been looking for ways to link the name of my blog to its content - usually falling tragically far from making even a tangential bridge.  When one thinks of farmers, one doesn't think of forays into better time management, thoughts about bow ties, and lamenting about too many wedding things.  But Family Weekend allowed for some fun ideas to take root.

As previously noted, the family got together in the great city of New York in the most fun ways.  It was a weekend filled with laughter, great food, lots of card games and an old-fashioned, The Last of the Mohicans themed sleepover.  The weekend did start, however, with a trip to Brownsville for some Saturday school.

Those of you lucky enough to be missing the blandest winter ever may not realize that New York has seen little white flakes only twice this season - once early on for Halloween, and again this past Saturday.  Snow means snow blowers, and what did I see being used in my urban paradise?

  John Deere?!  In Brownsville?  It must be a sign!

Then later that day, while enjoying meatballs in the LES, the already hipster-graced Meatball Shop delivered water in milk bottles, was filled with men looking like they were only briefly down from their tree stands, and displayed poultry in their bathroom:

Hmmm... there seems to be a pattern here.  From the trucker hat phenomenon of the early 2000's to the flannel and Carhartt jacket wearing Brooklynites that are moving from Williamsburg to Bushwick as I type, the folks growing our food are sartorially inspiring folks everywhere.  This reminds me of this really great song my dad used to play in the barn -

Sing it, Barbra.  (Also, I'd stand up and cheer on anyone ballsy enough to pull of her sequin-adorned, Big Bird yellow pants-suit.  It's pretty magical, you have to admit...)

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